Scientists Discover That Real World is Actually a Video Game

In a shocking discovery, scientists have revealed that the so-called "real world" is actually a video game simulation.

According to the research team, led by Dr. John Smith, everything we experience in our day-to-day lives is nothing more than a highly advanced game built by an unknown entity.

"It's all just ones and zeroes," Dr. Smith explained in a press conference earlier today. "Our entire existence is a digital construct, designed to keep us entertained and distracted from the true nature of our reality."

Many are questioning the validity of the study, citing concerns about the lack of evidence and the sheer absurdity of the claim. However, Dr. Smith and his team remain adamant that the evidence is all around us, if only we know where to look.

"Just look at the physics of our world," Dr. Smith said. "They don't make any sense. Gravity, for example, is clearly just a glitch in the system. It's like the programmers didn't think anyone would notice."

As news of the study spreads, people around the world are reevaluating their lives and their place in the grand scheme of things. Some are even questioning whether free will exists within the game or if every decision we make is predetermined by the unseen forces controlling our reality.

Whether or not the study is accurate, one thing is certain: the world will never be the same again.
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Apr 1, 2023
Who is Dr. John Smith?
Dr. John Smith is the lead researcher of the study revealing that the real world is a video game simulation. He has a PhD in computer science and has been studying the physics and structure of our world for years. Despite some skepticism from the public, Dr. Smith and his team firmly believe in their findings and are continuing their research.