Scientists discover new element in Real World

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have uncovered a new element in the Real World. The element, which has been named 'Absurdium', is said to possess properties unlike any other known element. According to the researchers, Absurdium has the ability to defy the laws of physics and turn solid objects into jelly-like substances.

When asked about the implications of this discovery, lead researcher Dr. April Fools jokingly remarked, 'Well, we could use it to make the world's bounciest ball or maybe even invent a new form of transportation that involves bouncing on jelly.'

The discovery of Absurdium has left the science community stunned, with many experts calling it a once-in-a-lifetime breakthrough. The element is currently being studied further to determine its potential applications, but one thing is for sure: the Real World will never be the same again.