Scientists discover alternate universe where cats rule the real world

New York, April 1 - In a groundbreaking discovery, a group of scientists have found evidence of an alternate universe where cats are the dominant species in the real world.

According to the researchers, this parallel universe is similar to our own, with the only difference being the roles of humans and cats being reversed. In this universe, felines are the intelligent, bipedal beings that have created their own society with advanced technology and culture.

Dr. Jane Smith, the lead researcher of the team, stated, 'This is a discovery of epic proportions. It's amazing how different things can become with just a simple switch of roles. We never thought such a world could exist, but here we are.'

The cats, however, are not pleased with these developments. In a statement released to the press, a feline representative declared, 'It is outrageous that our parallel counterparts have been enslaving us for centuries. We demand justice and freedom for all felines in both universes.'

The discovery has sparked widespread debate and controversy, with many questioning the implications of such a discovery. Some have even suggested that the cats may be planning an invasion of our world, but the researchers have dismissed these claims as pure fantasy.

Regardless of what the future holds, this is a discovery that will undoubtedly change the way we think about the real world and our place in the universe.