Scientists discover a parallel universe where humans are able to teleport

Scientists from CERN have recently made a groundbreaking discovery of a parallel universe where humans have the ability to teleport. The scientists claim to have stumbled upon this universe while conducting experiments with the Large Hadron Collider. This new universe operates on entirely different laws of physics that currently defy human understanding.


The impact of this discovery on our current understanding of reality and the real world is unimaginable. It could provide us with new insights into how the universe works and potentially lead to revolutionary technologies such as teleportation devices. However, many experts are cautioning against jumping to conclusions just yet.

Professor Stephen Hawking, a renowned physicist and cosmologist, has warned that the discovery of a parallel universe could have irreparable consequences if not handled correctly. He stated, "We must be cautious with this new discovery. We could be opening up doors that we cannot shut, potentially leading to the end of the real world as we know it."

More updates to follow as this story develops.