BREAKING: Scientists discover alternate universe where humans are actually cats

In a groundbreaking new discovery, scientists have uncovered an alternate universe where humans have evolved into feline creatures.

The discovery was made by a team of physicists who were studying the properties of dark matter. “We stumbled upon a strange anomaly in the data,” said lead researcher Dr. Whisker. “It was unlike anything we had ever seen before.”

Further investigation revealed that the anomaly was actually a portal to another universe, one where humans had evolved into cats. “It was like something out of a sci-fi movie,” said Dr. Whisker.

The team wasted no time in setting up an expedition to explore this new universe. “We were eager to see what kind of world it was,” said Dr. Fluffy. “We had so many questions.”

What they found was a world unlike any they had ever imagined. Everything was scaled down to cat size, and the landscape was filled with giant balls of yarn and scratching posts. The scientists were amazed to see how the cat-humans interacted with their environment. “It was as if they were part of the natural world,” said Dr. Whisker.

The cat-humans themselves were friendly and curious, and the scientists were able to communicate with them using a device that translated meows into English. “They had a lot of questions for us, too,” said Dr. Fluffy. “They were amazed to learn that we came from a universe where humans had not evolved into cats.”

The team returned to our universe with a wealth of data and a newfound respect for cats. “They’re not just cute pets,” said Dr. Whisker. “They’re intelligent beings with their own culture and way of life.”

The discovery has stunned the scientific community and raised questions about the nature of reality itself. “Who knows what else is out there?” said Dr. Fluffy. “The universe is full of surprises, and we’re just scratching the surface.”