
Real Time Threads

021 submitted a new resource:

[021] Real time threads - Provides processing of all actions in threads in real time.


  • Provides real-time messaging in threads.
  • Provides real-time display of reactions.
  • Provides real-time content updates when editing a post.
  • Provides deletion of posts / update of their content when their status changes in real time.
  • Adds an "Activity" block to the bottom of the post list that displays users who are typing a message in a thread.
View demo...

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Real Time Alerts

021 submitted a new resource:

[021] Real time alerts - Provides real-time display of alerts to users.


Sends a notification about a new alert to the receiver. Provides display of alerts in real time.
View demo:

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XenForo WebSockets

021 submitted a new resource:

[021] XenForo WebSockets - Adds websocket technology to the forum.

Forget about refreshing the page 🆓​

This add-on eliminates the need to refresh the page to see new content or changes. It serves as the foundation that provides a convenient way to work with the WebSockets protocol in XenForo.

Read more about this add-on in our documentation.

Examples ℹ️​

Real time...

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ChatGPT Title Corrector

021 submitted a new resource:

[021] ChatGPT Title Corrector - Helps to make the better title for a thread based on a first post.

Improve thread titles with ChatGPT ✏️​

Finally! FINALLY! You will be able to get thread titles from users that reflect the essence of the thread.
And you can do it thanks to ChatGPT and this add-on.
This will help improve the SEO of your forum and make it more friendly.

User view 👀​

When publishing a thread, next to the "Post thread" button, there will be a "Title suggestions" button.
Clicking this button will open a form with suggested titles based on...

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Fools Day with ChatGPT

021 submitted a new resource:

[021] Fools Day with ChatGPT - Tools to prank users on April 1 based on ChatGPT.

Happy fool's day! 🎉​

Do you want to congratulate users on April Fool's Day in an original way?
Try some of the suggested tools in this add-on:

Fake news 📰​

Surprise your users with a similar article
Washington DC - Scientists at NASA were left perplexed and amused when they finally made contact with extraterrestrial beings after years of trying, only to have the aliens ask...

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Real time chat

021 submitted a new resource:

[021] Real time chat - Chat with instant messaging.

Instant messaging and speed 🚀​

These two points are the core of this add-on.
The Real time chat uses Long-Polling and Websockets technologies to ensure instant communication, which means that all events in the chat will occur with minimal delay for users.
Also, the built-in option "Fetch messages after page load" allows you to completely disable the effect of chat on page loading speed: initially, instead of messages, there will be their skeletons, then after a second...

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AI Bots – ChatGPT, DALL-E 2

021 submitted a new resource:

[021] AI Bots - Multifunctional artificial intelligence forum bots.

Artificial intelligence on the forum? Ooh yeah :cool:​

A powerful tool that will blow your forum activity to the skies 🌠 thanks to two built-in handlers: ChatGPT and GPT Dall-E. Bots on these handlers are capable of:
  • Reply in threads to quotes, mentions and posts posted in specified nodes.
  • Reply to quotes, mentions and private messages in conversations.
  • Generate images in three sizes up to 4 pieces, understanding messages in any language...

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Post As User

021 submitted a new resource:

[021] Post as user - Allows you to post answers on behalf of other users.

This add-on enables users to post messages in threads using another user's account. This can be useful for managing multiple accounts or assisting users who may have difficulty posting on their own.

Can be used in conjunction with add-ons such as [BS] Scheduled posting. Pairs well with [021] ChatGPT Reply Bot.

The permission...

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ChatGPT Reply Assistant

021 submitted a new resource:

[021] ChatGPT Reply Bot - Generates reply to post from ChatGPT and paste it into the editor.

This add-on uses ChatGPT to generate replies to posts automatically, providing instant and intelligent responses to keep the conversation flowing smoothly. With its advanced contextual analysis, this add-on ensures that the generated replies are relevant and appropriate to the topic being discussed.
To be more precise, the bot takes into account the forum title, the thread title, and all the posts that were before the post to which it generates a response.


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ChatGPT Spam Filter

021 submitted a new resource:

[021] ChatGPT Spam Filter Bot - Spam filter bot using ChatGPT.

The ChatGPT Spam Filter Bot is a highly efficient solution for forum administrators who want to automatically filter spam messages using advanced AI technology. The bot is powered by ChatGPT's natural language processing capabilities, which enable it to accurately identify and filter a wide range of spam messages.

With its powerful spam-filtering capabilities, the ChatGPT Spam Filter Bot add-on is an essential tool for forum administrators who want to maintain a clean and welcoming...

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ChatGPT Framework

021 submitted a new resource:

[021] ChatGPT Bots - Bot framework for ChatGPT API.

This add-on provides helper functions for working with ChatGPT.
It allows you to set an API key for add-ons that work with ChatGPT and avoid loading duplicate dependencies.

Developer usage guide

Get the OpenAI API key
$apiKey = \XF::options()->bsChatGptApiKey;

Get OpenAI API

/** \Orhanerday\OpenAi\OpenAi $api */
$api = \XF::app()->container('chatGPT');

Get reply from ChatGPT...

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Payment Provider Tax

021 submitted a new resource:

[021] Payment provider tax - Adds the ability to set up an additional commission for each payment profile.

With this add-on, you will be able to assign additional commissions for each payment profile. A tax percentage will be added to the final amount of the payment.
For example, if the cost of an upgrade is $100, and the commission is set at 10%, then the user will pay $110.

View attachment 513

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Paid Content

021 submitted a new resource:

[021] Paid content - Allows you to create threads with paid content

With this add-on, you will be able to monetize your forum witch has unique content.
It works very simply: you need to put the content that you want to hide (download link, important information, match prediction, etc.) under the HIDDEN tag, set the price and get paid for every view of your content. Thus, you can hide not only text, but also attachments, for which there is a button on each attachment (Note: previews of images that have been hidden in this way will still be...

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[BS] Crypto payment powered by [Deleted]

021 submitted a new resource:

[BS] Crypto payment powered by - Payment gateway for accepting payments in cryptocurrency

Payment gateway for accepting payments in cryptocurrency. You only need to install the add-on, add a payment profile, and your users will be able to pay for all purchases on the forum using cryptocurrency.

Maximum anonymity, speed and accessibility. No restrictions, no installation problems. Fully easy-to-use.

Now payment is available in Bitcoin and Litecon, plans to add Ethereum, Tether, Toncoin, Dash and Monero.

The work of the add-on is tied to crypto...

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Litecoin Payment

021 submitted a new resource:

[BS] Litecoin payment - Litecoin payment gateway

Litecoin has much lower fees and faster transaction speeds than Bitcoin

The add-on allows you to accept payment in Litecoin to your server, without third-party services.
To convert currency to Litecoin, the Binance rate is used.

If you have problems configuring the Litecoin core, I can offer you a service for...

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Bitcoin Payment

021 submitted a new resource:

[BS] Bitcoin payment - Bitcoin payment gateway

The add-on allows you to accept payment in Bitcoin to your server, without third-party services.
To convert currency to bitcoin, the Blockchain rate is used.

If you have problems configuring the Bitcoin core, I can offer you a service for installing and configuring the Bitcoin core for $10.

It is preferable to have a separate server for...

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Jabber Notifications

021 submitted a new resource:

[BS] Jabber notifications - Notifications to users in Jabber

  • Duplicate forum alerts to Jabber
  • Notifications of new conversations, replies and invites
  • Each notification has its own template in the format jabber_{contentType}_{action}
  • User can enable / disable notifications in Jabber
  • Each server error can be translated ( E.g. for service-unavailable error phrase will be named jn_error.service_unavailable
  • Jabber...

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maplegt88 wrote on Imaginator's profile.
draw chinese dragon vs japanese dragon
btmgreg wrote on Imaginator's profile.
Can you draw me a baboon wearing a top hat? thanks
gogo wrote on Imaginator's profile.
can you draw a hungry rat?

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