# Memoji

This tool contains 2100 animated meme smilies in webp format. They are divided into 11 packs and can be installed all together using an add-on or individually using XML files.

# Installation with an add-on

Note: Installing the add-on allows you to remove all packs at once (including smilies)

Install the add-on by first uploading the files to the server or using the "Install from archive" function in the control panel. The add-on automatically imports all smilie packs upon installation.

# Installation of individual packs

  1. Upload the contents of the styles folder from the add-on archive to the styles folder on the server
  2. Go to ACP -> Content –> Smilies, click on three dots and select Import
  3. Choose the XML file from the memoji-pack-xmls folder of the desired pack and click Proceed...