# Options

If enabled, a link to the developer's site will be added to the footer of your site.
Its removal is paid, its cost is $100. You can pay for the removal of the link here (opens new window).

# Pusher host

Must be specified with the protocol (http or https).

The host to be used for the connection. It should only be filled in if you set up a custom address for handling web sockets (default: http(s)://your_domain.com). Otherwise, the field must be empty.

# Pusher app ID

The ID of your Pusher app.

# Pusher public key

The public key of your Pusher app. Used to identify your application and allow clients to connect to it.

# Pusher secret key

The secret key of your Pusher app. Used to authenticate requests from your server and authorize access to private and presence channels.
Should not be available to anyone.

# Pusher connection port

The port to be used for the connection.
If you are using the Pusher API, change the value to 443.

# Pusher cluster

The cluster to be used for the connection.
Must be filled in only when using the Pusher API.