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You can further control the behavior of XenForo WebSockets using settings in the src/config.php file:

$config['websockets'] = [
    'guest_ips_hash_method' => 'md5',

guest_ips_hash_method ^2.1.1

Presence channels contain a current members list connected to the channel. Unique identifiers are used to identify them. For authorized users, this is user_id, and for guests, this is a hash of the IP address. You can change the hashing method when, for example, you need to know the IP of guests connected to the channel.

Available options:

  • md5 default: Converts an IP address to an MD5 hash, which can't be decrypted. The fastest method.
  • aes_256_cbc_base64: Encrypts an IP address using the AES-256-CBC encryption algorithm and then encodes the resulting encrypted data into a Base64 string for safe transmission or storage. Can be decrypted using the BS\XFWebSockets\Utils\Encrypt::fromAes256CbcBase64 method.