New York, NY – In a groundbreaking discovery, a team of scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) have discovered a hidden parallel universe where the force of gravity operates in reverse. The team stumbled upon this alternate reality while conducting experiments using the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). [br][br]According to lead researcher Dr. Jane Smith, “We were absolutely stunned when we first realized what we had found. We were initially looking for evidence of exotic particles, but what we found was even more incredible. This other universe operates under an entirely different set of physical laws, and it could have huge implications for our understanding of the real world.” [br][br]So far, the team has only been able to observe this alternate universe through their experiments, but they hope to develop new technology that will allow them to actually travel to this parallel dimension. [br][br]While the discovery has been met with skepticism from some in the scientific community, others are hailing it as a major breakthrough. “This is the sort of discovery that could change the course of human history,” says renowned theoretical physicist Dr. Steven Hawking. “Imagine being able to explore a universe where the impossible is possible.” [br][br]The implications of this discovery are still unclear, but one thing is for certain: we may need to rethink everything we thought we knew about the real world.