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  1. E

    Translation test

    Mason Mount sudah resmi gabung Manchester United dari Chelsea. Ia pun berjumpa sejumlah sosok yang dulu jadi lawan, termasuk Lisandro Martinez. Setelah menjalani proses negosiasi cukup panjang di antara Chelsea dan Man United, proses kepindahan Mount akhirnya rampung akhir pekan lalu. Awal...
  2. E

    Let's imagine something unusual...

    Cat driving with a dog with their sons
  3. E

    XenForo WebSockets

    Working fine out now, turns out need more selinux stuff rules for soketi on Rocky Linux 8 hehe. Thanks @021 :-)
  4. E

    XenForo WebSockets

    I have, even re-reading your guide one per-line but something must be I have missed : My nginx conf : map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade { default upgrade; '' close; } server { include ssl-params.conf; include ssl.conf; # Comment...
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    XenForo WebSockets

    So I was wrong about realtime chat, sorry. Should I filling in the details from the soketi config details from soketi.config.json ?
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    Real Time Threads

    I have issue getting real time threads specifically working but real time chat is working fine strangely enough, When I am testing posting a post in a thread I am getting the following : BS\XFWebSockets\Exception\BroadcastException: Pusher error: cURL error 7: (see...
  7. E

    XenForo WebSockets

    @021 Thanks for the websocket addons, I think there is should be somekind of simple live statistic info or logs from xenforo admin panel.