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  1. hello2029

    Chat message

    So that means there will be no more new updates?
  2. hello2029

    Chat message

    I found a new solution for realtime.

    Now just waiting for your AI addons.
  3. hello2029

    XenForo WebSockets

    Nothing wrong. Just more choice.
  4. hello2029

    From War to Hope: Help Us Rebuild Our Lives

    It's truly fascinating. You could turn this into a book and sell it. It's an extraordinary experience that very few people in the world get to have.
  5. hello2029

    From War to Hope: Help Us Rebuild Our Lives

    Can you share some pictures of the forest? What did you eat and drink?
  6. hello2029

    XenForo WebSockets

    In this new update, please consider adding support for Centrifugo if possible. Thank you sincerely!
  7. hello2029

    Chat message

    Looking forward to hearing good news from you. I hope the addons will be updated soon.

    Wishing you good health.
  8. hello2029

    XenForo 2.3 Compatibility Updates

    Looking forward to hearing good news from you. I hope the addons will be updated soon. Wishing you good health.
  9. hello2029

    Chat message

    I have updated XF to 2.3.2 and had to remove all add-ons of @021.
  10. hello2029

    Chat message

    I received the warning as attached. Wonder if it has anything to do with your add-ons?
  11. hello2029

    Chat message

    There are no new updates.
  12. hello2029

    Chat message

    @021 Do your add-ons work on X 2.3?
  13. hello2029

    Chat message

    @021 The XF 2.3 version has been released. Do you have any plans to update your add-ons to support XF 2.3?
  14. hello2029

    Chat message

    Are there any new or outstanding updates coming up in the near future?
  15. hello2029

    Chat message

    @021 How are you?
  16. hello2029

    Chat message

    Do your add-ons support XF 2.3?
  17. hello2029

    Chat message

    Is this chat searchable yet? Should add search function.
  18. hello2029


    Can you program me a python program to take screenshots of a website at specified times.
  19. hello2029

    Chat message

    How is the war situation in your country? Do you have a site that shares correct information about it?