XenForo WebSockets

XenForo WebSockets 2.0.2

Upgrade No permission to download
  • On forums with closed access for guests, certain scenarios required a websocket connection, but this did not occur due to viewing permissions check


  • The Pusher Host option was not passed to the frontend
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Reactions: jabber
The getWebsocketsPromise method has been introduced, which allows you to execute code after the XF.Echo and XF.EchoManager objects are ready to work. This method should improve the stability of add-ons based on XenForo WebSockets.

Support for the Keep Alive XenForo system that updates the CSRF token when a tab is restored in browsers on mobile devices. This will get rid of such errors: Cookie Required To Use This Site, Security Error.
Note: After this update, you need to grant permission to use WebSockets to user groups who should have this permission.

Added permission to use WebSockets.
Prevented error output on the user side in case of problems with the websocket server
In some cases, the channel name could be parsed incorrectly.
Removed check for installed soketi on the server when installing daemons
Added /bin/bash prefix to avoid "Executable path is not absolute, ignoring" error
Built-in Docker support: now the websocket server can be run even on non-soketi compatible OS (such as CentOS 7).
Updated documentation.
Updated config for supervisorctl in setup helper script to properly stop soketi server processes.

For those who have already configured the soketi service on supervisorctl, it is recommended to do the following:
  • Stop soketi service supervisorctl stop soketi.your_domain.com
  • Kill all soketi server process: pkill -f soketi
  • Add the following content to the service config (usually located in one of the folders: /etc/supervisor/conf.d, /etc/supervisor.d, /usr/local/etc/supervisor.d):
  • Reload supervisor: supervisorctl reload
  • The service should start automatically.