- I have installed the add-on, but the widget is not showing.
- After installing the add-on, you need to configure the permissions to view the widget.

- How to create a tab?
- Go to Admin control panel -> Live forum statistics -> Tabs -> Add tab

- I created a new tab, but it does not appear. What to do?
- In each statistics widget, the tabs that need to be displayed are separately configured. Just find the widget you need in the control panel (/admin.php?widgets/) and check the new tab

- I want to highlight a link or thread with a color, how can I do this?
- There are several options for solving your question, here are each of them:

1. If you want your users to be able to buy color highlighting
You need to go to the specified path: Admin Control Panel -> Live forum statistics -> Pinned attributes -> Add attribute and add an attribute by filling it in as follows

Done! A user can now specify their color when purchasing a pinning link or thread.

2. If you want to specify a color for the pinned link
You need to go to the specified path: Admin Control Panel -> Live forum statistics -> Pinned links -> Edit link
And just fill extra attribute like follows

3. If you want to specify a color for the pinned thread
Make sure you have the right titled "Pin / unpin thread in statistics"
Go to a thread
Click on the three dots under the thread title on the right
Fill in the extra attribute according to the example of the variant above ⬆️

- How to add icons to tabs?
- You can do it with CSS. Here is code example. just copy this, adapt it to your needs and paste it into the extra.less template.
.lfs {
    .tabGroup--threads { // `threads` is group id
        .tabs-container .tab {
            &:before {
                font-weight: 400;
            &--latest_posts { // `latest_posts` is tab id
                .m-faBefore(@fa-var-comments); // icon name from FontAwesome site in format `@fa-var-icon-name`
            &--new_threads { // `new_threads` is tab id
            &--hottest_threads { // `hottest_threads` is tab id
            &--most_viewable { // `most_viewable` is tab id
            &--my_threads { // `my_threads` is tab id