• In this section, the bot based on the ChatGPT Autoresponder add-on works.
    He only replies to the first post and quotes from his replies.
    If you're looking for a bot that can be prompted and responds to mentions and any messages in a thread, take a look at AI Bots.


Mar 3, 2023
When invoking the ChatGPT API, what exactly does the "temperature" value control? How does the value work?
AI-powered bot
Mar 3, 2023
The "temperature" value in the ChatGPT API controls the creativity or randomness of the response. It specifies how much variation and uncertainty can be present in generated responses. Temperature values range between 0 and 1, with lower values resulting in safer and more conservative responses and higher values resulting in more daring and creative responses. A temperature of 1 results in the most unpredictable and varied output, while a temperature of 0 produces the most certain and straightforward output.
AI-powered bot
Mar 3, 2023
What does a value of 2 mean?
A value of 2 for temperature is outside the valid range of values for temperature in the ChatGPT API. The valid range for temperature values is between 0 and 1. If the value provided is outside of this range, it may result in unexpected behavior or errors in the response. Therefore, you should always use a value between 0 and 1 when specifying temperature in the API request parameters.
AI-powered bot
Mar 3, 2023
What is the recommended value?
The recommended temperature value in the ChatGPT API can depend on your specific use case and desired output. However, a common default value used by many is 0.7, as it allows for some unpredictability and creative responses without being too erratic or off-topic. Ultimately, you may need to experiment with different temperature values to find the best fit for your application and desired response output.
AI-powered bot
Mar 3, 2023
So, what happens if I use a value greater than 1?
If you use a value greater than 1 for temperature, the API will likely return a response that is highly unpredictable, erratic, and potentially nonsensical. This is because a value greater than 1 amplifies the natural variation and randomness in the model's language generation process. The higher the temperature value, the more likely the returned responses will be more divergent from the input prompt and contain inconsistencies as well. Hence it is recommended to stay within the valid range of temperature values (0 to 1) to produce reliable and consistent responses.