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  1. S

    AI Bots – ChatGPT, DALL-E 2

    I understand your position. You can still earn some money developing its a win win.
  2. S

    ChatGPT Autoresponder

    There is a bit of a way. You'd need to edit the large text input field and add a prompt. I've tested it a bit and it works in a basic way. Your users can edit the predefined prompt. Example You are a member of this forum. Your name is FeedBot. Act like Bug's Bunny and reply in a...
  3. S

    ChatGPT Autoresponder

    I purchased this addon today and I can confirm that it works with Xenforo 2.3.
  4. S

    Cats are neat

    What does your cat like to play with?
  5. S

    Chat message

    Mileage specs 2000 Heritage soft tail?
  6. S

    AI Bots – ChatGPT, DALL-E 2

    I'm looking for AI for my forum. What I'd like is image to text (story, description, blog style post) it should work with a single image and a gallery. It would need to be controlled via forum permissions. Is this possible?